There are many differences between residential and commercial projects. When setting out to hire a contractor for any type of job, one of the first things you’ll want to consider is whether or not the contractor you have in mind is well-suited to the kind of work at hand. Even similar types of projects can change quite significantly between the residential and commercial settings, so don’t overlook this key point. It Starts with Scale The big hurdle that comes with going into commercial contracting is the scale of the projects. Where single-family home projects are relatively small in scale, commercial work can get large in a hurry. And, for some contractors, the scope of the work will get outside of what they can handle easily, and the job will get away from them. Here’s where the problem comes in – most contractors are anxious to book as many projects as possible, even if those jobs do stretch what they are able to accomplish. So, you might be told by a given contractor that they are up to the challenge of the job you have in mind, only to find that they are overwhelmed and in over their heads once it gets started. Don’t find yourself in that position. Team up with a partner like Rodriguez General Contracting who has been doing commercial work in Phoenix for over a decade and will be able to rise to the occasion when your business needs us most. Staying on Schedule It’s one thing to be able to handle a commercial construction project and make it to the finish line – it’s another thing to reach that finish line on time and on budget. You likely can’t afford to have this job fall behind, as delays will mean further disruptions for your business. Another reason to pick an experienced contractor like RGC is the accountability that we will have to the schedule that is agreed upon at the start of the project. We’ll work hard to stay right on track so you can make plans for the future and be confident that those plans won’t need to change. Working on Your Terms With residential projects, the work usually happens during daytime hours while members of the home are away at work, school, etc. That works well for the average home renovation, but it might not be suitable for your business. On a commercial job, the working hours for the project might need to be adjusted somewhat to work around the needs of the business so things can keep operating as smoothly as possible while the project is in progress. A good commercial contractor will understand this reality and will work with you to arrange a schedule that is suitable for both sides. Not every contractor is going to have the experience or capability needed to tackle a commercial job. That’s not a problem with Rodriguez General Contracting, LLC, however. We’ve been taking on commercial projects throughout the Phoenix area for the last decade and have served many businesses successfully in that time. Reach out today to learn more!

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