Rodriguez General Contracting

Commercial Contracting Services

It takes an experienced and talented team to tackle the challenges presented by commercial construction and renovation projects. If you have been looking all around the area for the right contractor to take on your job, you can put that search to an end – Rodriguez General Contracting is ready to serve you.

commercial contracting in phoenix az with rodriguez general contracting
Rodriguez General Contracting Phoenix Arizona

Phoenix Area Commerical General Contractor

As you get ready to hire a general contractor for a commercial project in or around Phoenix, you’ll probably have a number of things on your priority list. Of course, you need a team that can get the job done without any exceptions or excuses. Also, you want the work done for a fair price, and you want it done in a timely manner. These are key pieces to the puzzle and you should keep them in mind as you collect bids and talk with some of your options.

But, before you even get to that point, you need to think clearly about what work you need to have done and how the right general contractor can take care of it for you. Some of the many types of services that we can offer at RGC include:


New commercial construction. If you are getting ready to start a new commercial project – whatever that project may be – you’ll want to work with an experienced contractor who can guide the build process from start to finish. Given the money and time that will be invested here, and the importance that the completed project is ready on time and stays on budget, you can’t trust anyone who doesn’t have plenty of experience and a proven ability to deliver.


Fit-out projects. Often, a business will lease a space in which to operate, rather than buying or building a space. When that happens, you will move into the leased space, but it will not be ready to use until the fit-out process is complete. This is another area where a commercial general contractor can come to the rescue. You will want to get up and running with your business in a leased space as quickly as you can, so a contractor that can work fast while delivering quality will save you money in the long run.


Remodeling work. For businesses that have been operating in the Phoenix area for many years, a remodel may be called for to update the space and make it more appealing to customers. This type of remodel can be completed for buildings that are owned by the company, but that can also be done in leased spaces that are getting stale. A good commercial contractor will know how to minimize downtime for the business during this process, as any time spent closed is potential revenue that will not be realized.

The Experience You Can Trust

As a business, Rodriguez General Contracting has been serving clients in and around Phoenix for 10 years. That’s a long time, and you don’t last that long as a business without offering great value and excellent results. The trail of happy commercial (and residential) clients that we have left in our wake is a testament to the work we do and how it is received.

But that 10-year mark doesn’t really highlight how much experience we actually bring to the table. As a team, we have more than 25 years of combined experience, which means we’ve been on a lot of job sites and dealt with plenty of challenges out in the real world. There is no substitute for picking up lessons along the way, and we’ve been there, done that.

Building a Relationship

Any time that you have to spend seeking out a contractor is time that could have otherwise been spent more productively working on your business. And, for most businesses, hiring a contractor is not a one-time thing – it’s a need that comes up periodically as new needs and endeavors arise. So, it makes a lot of sense to build a lasting relationship with a commercial contractor that you can trust and who will be there when you need help.

Given our proven track record in the industry, and our commitment to serving clients throughout the Phoenix area, Rodriguez General Construction is the ideal partner with whom to form this kind of connection. Once you go through one project with us, and you see what we are capable of achieving, you’ll want to come back time after time for all of your needs. Not only will this allow you to make sure that you get great results, but it will also help you save time that would have been wasted seeking out a new contractor every time a project comes up.

When hiring a contractor for your commercial construction, renovation, or remodeling project in the Phoenix area, you need reliability more than anything else. You need to be sure that your chosen contractor can do the work on time, on budget, and to a high standard of quality. Rather than taking a chance on an unknown contractor and hoping for the best, turn to RGC instead. We’ve been impressing our clients for more than a decade and you can expect nothing but excellence from our team. Contact us today to learn more!

Whether the commercial project you have in mind falls into one of the categories above or is something else entirely, feel free to get in touch with RGC today to talk about your needs and how we can help.   (623) 313-5914