As a homeowner, there are many types of projects that you can handle on a DIY basis with just a few simple tools and a little knowledge. It’s helpful to save money if you can do some basic jobs on your own, and you can take pride in knowing that your efforts have made your property a better place to live. But not every job around the house is suitable to take on as a DIY job. In some cases, you would be getting in over your head and spending more time and money than is necessary on the work. Below, we’ll offer some guidance on how you can decide between taking the DIY route and hiring a professional handyman for repairs and maintenance on your Phoenix-area home. Consider These Three Factors It’s helpful to have some basic questions to ask yourself when trying to decide if you can handle a given project by yourself. As a starting point, keep the three points below in mind – • Can you do the work safely? This is the big one, so it’s the best place to start. You do not want to put yourself in danger when doing any kind of project around your home, so make sure the work would be safe for you to perform before going any further. A given task could put you in danger because you don’t have the right safety equipment, or simply because you don’t understand the work and may injure yourself due to a lack of experience. • Do you have the right tools? If you would need to purchase multiple tools in order to complete a task, it’s likely best to leave that job to a professional handyman. While it’s smart for the average homeowner to have tools like screwdrivers, wrenches, a hammer, etc., you may not have everything you need for certain projects that come up. By the time you factor in the cost of buying those new tools, and the learning curve associated with using them for the first time, it will likely be better just to trust the handyman instead. • How long will it take? You probably have a busy schedule in your day-to-day life, dealing with work and family responsibilities while trying to sneak in some time for your personal hobbies. When you add all of that up, there isn’t much space left for DIY projects – so something that seems pretty simple could even up taking a very long time to finish. If it’s going to take you weeks and weeks to complete, and take up all of your free time in the process, consider finding a contractor instead. At Rodriguez General Contracting, we think it’s great when homeowners take pride in their properties and work hard to improve them. We also know the value that we can bring to a project that falls outside of a homeowner’s areas of experience or comfort. So, if you have a job in mind that isn’t a good fit as a DIY task, reach out to RGC at (623) 313-5914 and we’ll be happy to help

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